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faith, hope, love.


radical hospitality





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LGBTQ affirming.

immigrant welcoming.

caring for Earth.

breaking down walls.

love casts out fear.



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extravagant welcome.

who is my neighbor?

community, family,

young and old

“doing together

what we cannot do alone.”


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imperfect and supportive.

you're part of

God's story.



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faith in action.


and in progress.

social justice.

active and engaged. 

seeking wholeness for all. 


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Our Values

Kelly Andrade

Office Administrator

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Rev. Kelly Ryan

Lead Minister

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Dere Hney

Youth Director and Digital 
Media Coordinator

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Jim Tompkins-Maclaine

Director of Music

Our Team

Our Story

 We trace our roots back to the living room of Curtis and Elsie Clare, when they were young church planters in 1953. The Clares were in their early twenties, but saw the need for a place to call home, a family away from family, for new residents of La Mesa. They founded Lake Murray Congregational Church, which went on to partner with Northmont Evangelical and Reformed Church in 1965 to form the United Church of Christ of La Mesa.


Since then, we have continued this vision of being a place to belong for all people, now exemplified in our name– The Table. A place to gather and encounter Love, reminding us of the table Jesus gathered at with his friends, and our city La Mesa.


Today we are a progressive and energetic church that brings our passions, questions, and gifts into our ministry to make God's realm of Love more real on earth. We know that we can do much together that we cannot do alone.

Groundbreaking Pic for UCCLM
Our Story

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5940 Kelton Avenue, La Mesa, CA 


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© 2023 The Table: UCCLM

Our People
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